Thursday, May 10, 2012

Baggage Door Continued and Fitted






The last few days, I have been working on the baggage door and fitting it to the fuselage. I also had to modify the right front baggage compartment piece to avoid interference with the previous brake line modification. This is like dominoes when you start one modification, it usually snowballs into affecting other things that will then require modification. As you can see from one of the attached photos, the baggage door support hinge bracket will have to be modified as the modification for better access to the avionics left no where to attach the back side of the hinge support bracket. I am still trying to decide the best method on that one.
Anyway, the baggage compartment pieces were put into the fuselage, the top front fuselage skin was attached after the area for the baggage compartment door was removed, and then I have been working on the hinge and fitting of the door to the fuselage.

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